We have been busy but I haven't been good about putting stuff up here. Last weekend we had dinner with the DesJardien family on Saturday and got to see Matt and Abby's new baby twins. We like hanging out with all those guys and we need to find ways to see more of them. Last Sunday, Jess and I went snowshoeing with the Venture crew. It was a practice for this weekends boy scout snow camping outing. Joe and I have both bought golf clubs and we have been at the par 3 course and the driving range a lot the past couple of weeks. Joe loves golfing...I am not so sure....
Thursday, Max and I went to the Harlem Globetrotters game in Kent. Lotsa fun but we were sitting in the front row behind the basket and it was hard to see sometimes.
This weekend was the snow camping at Mt. Rainier with the scouts. We built a snow cave large enough to fit 4 kids and their packs. Jess stayed the night but I went home with Joe right before it got dark. It was really cold but everyone survived the ordeal.
While Jess was still at Mr. Rainier, Meg, Joe and I drove around the Olympia area looking for a piece for land to build our dream retirement home/ winery. Still just in the early looking phase.
Tonight the whole family is going to the Showbox to the Presidents of the United States of America (the band, not Obama). I don't know how I am going to get to work at 6 tomorrow morning. The boys don't have school Monday or Tuesday
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