Monday, October 11, 2010


I spent all day Friday at the PTA Legislative Conference. We were debating and defining our priorities for lobbying for education for the next year. The best part was a short speech by Bill Gates Sr. who made a great case for Initiative 1098. I have a hard time believing that this initiative won't pass but there is a lot of mis-information going on out there right now.

Saturday was the Boy Scout Rummage Sale. We needed to get rid of some of the excess stuff from our Boy Scout storage sale so we tried a Rummage Sale. It was a lot of work and we only made about $100 and ended up just taking a truck load of stuff to Goodwill. I was so worn out and also fighting a fever so we just had take out Thai food and watched TV on Saturday night.

Sunday, I really wanted to go on a hike but it wasn't raining pretty steadily. So we decided to go to the Ape Caves by Mt. St. Helens. Well, Meg and I actually decided and the boys were forced to go... By the time we got there it wasn't raining except for in the cave. It was 43 degrees and really wet inside from the continual dripping. We hiked most of the lower cave and all the upper cave. It took us over 3 hours and was pretty strenuous. There is a lot of scrambling in the upper cave. Joe struggled with the big rocks but eventually got his momentum going and impressed us. Had dinner in Puyallup at the Powerhouse and we all were so worn out we went to bed early. I am still fighting a slight headache and fever...But I am not sick. Sorry, no pictures in the cave...

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